Thursday, July 28, 2016

Week 3 EOC - My Demographics

Millennials market makes up almost thirty percent of the adult population in the United States. This group is the most educated, diverse, and technology-proficient generation ever. Most of their media consumption is online, including reading news and watching television shows. Millennials have formidable purchasing power, but they distrust advertising and are more likely to listen to their peers regarding product decisions. This group also considers social issues such as sustainability, human rights, and fair trade before making a purchase. Brands like TOMS Shoes and Warby Parker appeal to this group because they offer social value and align their brands with a higher purpose. These brands also invite participation and co-creation, both of which appeal to Millennials. I am Millennial and it really does relate to me, all of it. I am very tech proficient. The only television that I watch is online which is Netflix. It's so much easier. I have it on my laptop and on my phone and on my Apple Tv. We millennials like things easy as it is with technology now a day. We love buying online, but we still overthink it since we don't like wasting money on stuff that is not worth it. But most of the time we waste our money in things we don’t really need. We are lazy and big procrastinators.

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